Other 100s Around the World

Wow, there are so many...

There are evidently a lot of people that Give a Damn!

The reach of the 100 Men/Women/Children That Give A Damn has grown far and wide. From humble beginnings in Toronto, Canada, to numerous chapters across Cananda and the USA, and even into the Caribbean, there are so many new chapters popping up that maintaining a list of them all has become impossible. And that is a good thing!

If you found our page and are interested in finding a chapter near you, pick your favorite search engine, start with '100 Who Give A Damn', and add your city/state/province/island. And if you don't find anything nearby, search again tomorrow. Or better yet - start your own group! Tell a few friends and have them tell a few of their friends, who tell a few of their friends, etc., etc. You'll have a group of 100 people That Give A Damn in no time! And you can make a difference in your own community.